2scmd mofset system for motor cutting
2scmd mofset system for motor cutting
2scmd mofset system for motor cutting

2scmd mofset system for motor cutting

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2scmd mofset system for motor cutting

This system is a simple and effective solution to cut the general power of the remote drone

the power cut is general, but at the same time, activates the parachute system and the installed buzzer

The principle of 2SCMD Mosfet

The Mosfet is an element of electric current. Must have the Mosfet calibrated and tested before using it with the drone, this is done by doing a test with the drone at maximum power.

Weight: 100 gr.

Engine shutdown by Mosfet

Dimensions: 40/50 mm.

Composition: Industrial ABS plastic.

Buzzer of 110 dB at 1 meter

868 MHz encrypted key, 2km range

Comes with batteries

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